Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Circus

Our first time going to a circus.  The girls were beyond excited!

 The halls of the Fort Worth Convention Center were lined with cotton candy, snow cones, and light up toys.  Walking the halls was almost as exciting as watching the circus.
Maddy trying cotton candy for the first time.
Scarlett~"look mama, their holding hands by holding tails".
We left during the intermission.  David and I both had to work this weekend.  But this was our favorite part.
Caroline thought the tight rope was too scary to watch. Such a sweet girl!
Blurry but I like it.  Reminds me of how much it got their attention.
They were out before we made it back on the highway.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Weekend Wonderfulness

Just some snaps from a weekend that was very full. The only camera I had was the one on my phone..
 It went by way too quick....

Friday, August 10, 2012

From the week

First full week of Kindergarten and working days done!  Scar is liking school. The twins are playing so well with each other while sister is away.  And we are all loving our evenings as a family.  Can't believe we're all waking up so early!
The newly renovated park by our house. We stopped by on Wednesday after school.             
It was really hot at the park but the sprinklers were on..   
It's a happy Friday!  Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Back to School

Scarlett started Kindergarten today.
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I was real nervous about our first day and I wasn't sure how I was going to feel. 
Woke her up at 7am and she was actually really calm and composed. 
Our back to school flower arrangement...
I drove through the car line this morning to drop her off.  When it was time to say goodbye, she said bye with out any drama.  
I went home and loved on my sweet Caroline and Madeline.  I really think Kinder Camp helped prepare us for this day. Honestly, the first day of camp I cried.  A lot.  But today, I was proud and excited.  I can't wait for Scarlett to learn how to read. 

At car line, pick up.
I know that she's in good hands.  So, I waited 7.5 hours today on pins and needles to talk to her about her first day of school.  I wondered what she was doing, thinking, if she was ok, if she ate her lunch, if she missed me and her sisters and her dad.
After school treat with our best buddy, Jack.

In a couple of weeks, it'll be the twins starting their first day at preschool. It's hard letting our babies go off into the world.
Now that my oldest is in elementary school, I'll be working day shifts.  That way, their dad and I  can snuggle the girls at nightThey'll know that we are always there for them.