We've been spending a lot of our time outside enjoying this spring like weather. River Legacy Park is so close to the house and filled with trails and this bridge.
The weeds are blooming. My girls love picking "flowers". |
We finally bought a play set for the backyard. I've been enjoying the swings myself.
The highlight of my morning was when I turned to see C & M walking hand and hand in their dress up costumes outside. They were playing "princess mommy and princess daddy".
They play so well together. It so much fun to watch them!
I love listening to them wake up. They play happily in their cribs until I slowly make my way in. And I'm greeted with big smiling faces.
We introduced Mary Poppins to Scarlett. She watched the whole thing from start to finish and has watched in every single day since.
Scarlett had a patriotic program at school not to long ago. They sang the first verse of America the Beautiful. Tonight, the twins asked me to sing it to them before bed. They new a lot of the words.