October is such a great month to be outside. We did a lot of that over the weekend
Spent the night at Grandma Tricia & Papa Jaime's farm.
Enjoyed quiet morning and evening walks... The fresh country air.....
C & M picking "flowers" for everyone |
Lots of open space for running around.
A little dancing...
Fun for all!
A little pumpkin carving.
C working hard at getting those seeds out. |
Scarlett was not at all interested except for picking out the templates and tracing them. But she was real excited with the end result.
keeping with our owl theme. Sadly, for the second year in a row the owl costumes have yet to make an appearance. |
We also made a trip to the Arboretum for their fairy tale themed pumpkin houses. Ended up taking the girls myself and I was one tired mama at the end of the day!
Can you guess who's house this belongs to? |
Oh yeah, Cinderella's carriage. |
The girls would not sit together long enough for a picture... Scarlett in particular... Some funny things I remember from that day were:
1. Each of the girls had to pick out their own outfits and would not change (M had to have socks and crocs, C boots, S her flamingo shirt)
2. M's bunny rabbit had to come along
C loving the hay bales |
Off to bed b/c i am sleep deprived and ready to ignore the blog for another week.