Sunday, October 30, 2011

Country Critters Farm with friends

Scarlett's class was getting together in Alvarado, so we drove out and joined them.  C & M tagged along with the big kids and had a blast too.
Sweet Connor
Allison. Such a kind and pretty girl.
Jack and Scarlett. The race is on!
The train ride-they were so excited to be riding by themselves while the parents watched.
Sweet Maddie and her rabbit.
Rock it, girl friend!
Good times!

Special Visitor and Bits and Pieces

 Once a year aunt Camila makes a trip from Chicago to see the girls.  She gives the girls all her time and they just eat it up. We adore her!

We took some pics while Scarlett was at school.

Bits and Pieces
Caroline keeping me company as I cleaned the office

Scar set the room up for "school".  Found her teaching sisters her sight words.
Love listening and watching the girls play.  M was taking her baby to the store.

The pumpkin patch

This years Flower Mound pumpkin patch was by far the least crowded.  The clouds and cooler temperature made it even better. 

We found a maze that was perfect in size for Caroline and Madeline.
This way sisters!
Huge pumpkin patch and Scar was off. Our attempts to get the girls still for a group shot failed. 
But Daddy held two of them down for a quick snap.

There was a maze for the older kids.  It was a little more challenging and Scar loved it.  Poor sisters really wanted to test it out.
In the end, we wheeled three tired girls back to the car.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Loving October

October is such a great month to be outside.  We did a lot of that over the weekend
Spent the night at Grandma Tricia & Papa Jaime's farm.
Enjoyed quiet morning and evening walks... The fresh country air.....
C & M picking "flowers" for everyone
Lots of open space for running around.
A little dancing...
Fun for all!
 A little pumpkin carving.
C working hard at getting those seeds out. 

Scarlett was not at all interested except for picking out the templates and tracing them.  But she was real excited with the end result.
keeping with our owl theme.  Sadly, for the second year in a row the owl costumes have yet to make an appearance.  

We also made a trip to the Arboretum for their fairy tale themed pumpkin houses.  Ended up taking the girls myself and I was one tired mama at the end of the day!
Can you guess who's house this belongs to?
Oh yeah, Cinderella's carriage.
The girls would not sit together long enough for a picture... Scarlett in particular... Some funny things I remember from that day were:
1. Each of the girls had to pick out their own outfits and would not change (M had to have socks and    crocs, C boots, S her flamingo shirt)
2. M's bunny rabbit had to come along
C loving the hay bales
Off to bed b/c i am sleep deprived and ready to ignore the blog for another week.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Fall Round-up

We make a trip to Nash Farm every year for their fall festival.

The pony rides are always the main attraction.  Even Madeline rode a pony!
Caroline likes to ride all by herself! 
Maddy at the end of her pony ride.
We skipped on the pumpkins and promised that they would go to a pumpkin patch next week.  They are so excited!
Bits & Pieces
Sharing a ride.  Sister likes her magnify glass. 
Friday dinner with friends.