Friday, July 29, 2011

Little swimmer

    She did it!  Scarlett just finished her first swim lesson.  At the last class, the teacher let's the parents stay for the final 15 min.  I was so excited to see what all she learned!
   She loves it and is no longer afraid of the water or in ground pools.  I grew up loving the water.  Pretty much every one had a pool in South Florida.  So happy that Scarlett can enjoy it too.  Caroline and Madeline's turn will come soon!
Waiting her turn.
Swimming to Ms. Suzy
The airplane float she talked so much about!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Weekend Recap

Perfect ending to a busy week!

We had good friends over Saturday morning.  David grilled some delicious salmon, and the kids played well past their nap time.

Saturday night we helped celebrate Ivan's fourteenth birthday.

Feeding Pepper..
I was able to get my baby fix that night.  Isn't he a cutie?
Sunday, David took Scarlett to see the Winnie the Poo movie.  The twins got some undivided mommy time.  So much fun.

Swiper no swiping!   
More grilling Sunday night with Uncle Perg and auntie Nessa. Fabulous weekend.

Monday, July 11, 2011


Caroline and Madeline turned 2 on the 9th of July.  We were driving home on that day so we threw two parties.  One in NM and then one when we got back home (the next day of course).
  Such sweet girls that bring so much joy to my life.  Now for party number 2.
Caroline showing me the bug she found.  The other day she played with a june bug for an hour and it survived.
Scar's sunflower is blooming!

New Mexico

We did it!  Our first road trip and the girls were awesome!  Already planning for our next one!
Fourth of July was so much fun.  Who needs fireworks? 

We had Robin and Suzy's dogs to play with.  That's Gruffy, the girls favorite of the 3 dogs.
We enjoyed the change of scenery.  The gorgeous home we stayed at.  The cool mornings and evenings. Being around family.
Girls went on their first real train ride.
Children's Museum was a hit. 

Suzy's friend, Kitty, invited us over to her miniature horse farm.  Oh my, that was a blast!
While Scarlett was riding,  Caroline kept saying "me too, me too".  So guess who went next.. Here she is with Kitty.

Worn out baby..
I think some of best moments were at the house with the dogs and the fam..
Old tree house.. (which wasn't safe but we tried it once and all went well)